Article Category: Editorial


Working Notes – Issue 52 Editorial

The Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy, A Vision for Change, was published in January 2006. In his introduction, Tim O\’Malley TD, Minister of State with special responsibility for mental health, states that the Report is intended to set out “a comprehensive policy framework for our mental health services for the next… Read more »



Working Notes – Issue 51 Editorial

This issue of Working Notes commemorates the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS). The mission of JRS is ‘to accompany, advocate and serve’ refugees and displaced persons across the world. The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice works closely with JRS Ireland in a joint integration project, Community Links, funded… Read more »



Working Notes – Issue 50 Editorial

The Second Report of the Morris Tribunal, published on 1 June 2005, makes even more disturbing reading than the First Report, which was commented on in in November 2004. The Tribunal investigated the corruption that existed among some Gardai in Donegal, the manipulation of facts intended to deceive Garda Management, “gross integligence at senior level” and “appalling management”.



Working Notes – Issue 49 Editorial

Dear Reader, On 8th October 2004 the Minister of State responsible for Overseas Development, Conor Lenihan TD, was quoted in Irish newspapers as saying that ‘there has to be an element of realism’ regarding Ireland’s commitment for achieving the UN target for overseas development aid by 2007, given that ‘we’ve had two years of retrenchment… Read more »



Working Notes – Issue 48 Editorial

In this issue of Working Notes we examine the report on Private Property of the All- Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution Property, published in April 2004. The Report followed a request from the Taoiseach in February 2000 to “consider the present constitutional provisions in respect of property rights and specifically the necessity for up-dating those provisions which pertain to planning controls and infrastructural development”.



Working Notes – Issue 47 Editorial

Dear Reader, We are happy to present to you with the December 2003 issue of Working Notes. We hope you find it helpful for your reflection and work. In our opening article, Budget 2004: Small Change for the Poor, Robin Hanan of EAPN (European Anti-Poverty Network) Ireland, analyses the seventh Budget to be introduced by… Read more »



Working Notes – Issue 45 Editorial

Ireland for the first period in its history is experiencing substantial immigration. Eugene Quinn in his article \’Integration: What\’s done? A lot more to do\’ assesses the policy response to date. He questions whether there is a disjuncture between the policy rhetoric and the practice. Two areas of particular concern are the scope of integration… Read more »
