Article Tag: community

A map of the North East Inner City with Interfaith forum, ACET, East Wall Youth, JCFJ, NCI, Dublin Co-op, and Belvedere Youth Club labeled


Martin Luther King famously said that “a riot is the language of the unheard.”1 The ordinary people of the North-East Inner-City were not involved in the riots; they are its victims. But their voices remain largely unheard. We hope that this issue of Working Notes helps raise the voices of the people of the North-East Inner- City and that the many brilliant initiatives they sustain become more famous than the tired stereotypes and caricatures that seem to dominate among our political leadership. My neighbours deserve that.


Smiling Amy with brown hair in a ponytail, light green glasses, and a darker green long sleeve top

Humans of the North-East Inner-City Amy

Amy Cooney is a ELI Parent plus worker, born and raised in NEIC


A smiling lady wearing a white Blazer with black stripes and gold buttons. She has light blonde hair and she's has a lovely smile and pink nails

Humans of North-East Inner-City: Carmel

Carmel Cosgrove is a volunteer and founding member of East Wall Youth, Founding member of HOPE, Board member of Friends of Gateway and previous Lord Mayor of East Wall.