Article Tag: Family

Young man with Sandy blonde hair

Humans of the NEIC – Lewis

Lewis Byrne was born and raised in Ballybough and is a Community Worker with Dublin Community Co-Op.


Women and child working together over school work

Early Childhood Home Visiting- a Critical lifeline for families in Dublin’s Inner City.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from
adversity, adapt to challenges, and recover
from setbacks. While Dublin City Council
workers cleaned up the streets after the
riots and restored the physical space, Home
Visitors were addressing the emotional and
mental trauma experienced by children and
families and supporting them to recover
from these awful events.


Smiling Amy with brown hair in a ponytail, light green glasses, and a darker green long sleeve top

Humans of the North-East Inner-City Amy

Amy Cooney is a ELI Parent plus worker, born and raised in NEIC


A smiling man in his all black priestly Indian Orthodox garb

Humans of the North-East Inner-City: Fr. Anish

Fr. Anish John is the Indian Orthodox Priest for the Parish worshipping at Cathal Burgha St. George Street’, a Migrant and a Father.Â