Author: Kevin Hargaden

“Lord, when did we see you hungry…?”

A guest post from a friend of the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Toni Pyke. Toni will be joining many from the Jesuit communities and wider afield for a peace pilgrimage of prayer and solidarity, walking from Milltown to the St Francis Xavier church on Gardiner Street Upper on Wednesday March 27, starting at… Read more »

Can I Get a Witness?

At a recent meeting with Jesuits I was asked a great question: If you could only save three passages of Scripture, which would you select? I walked around Dublin after this conversation, mulling over different texts. I know most people these days have only a vague knowledge of the bible. But one of the great… Read more »

The Upcoming Referenda are not Making Environmental Proposals

Environmental politics are heating up. Over the last year, we have observed a backlash to the “Green wave” across the continent. Whether it is farmers in the Netherlands or France or coal workers in Poland, long-forgotten pop stars in the UK, or Irish aviation billionaires, there are increasing signals that large numbers of citizens are… Read more »

War is an Environmental Issue

The conceptual heart of Pope Francis’ groundbreaking environmental manifesto, Laudato Si’, is his idea of integral ecology (§139): We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental. Environmentalism can never be reduced to some idea of “nature” but it… Read more »

Photo by Saikiran Kesari on Unsplash

Climate Denial is Bad Religion

Becoming Someone’s “Hate-Watch” Many of us are familiar with the habit we can fall into of spending time on things that we hate. For whatever evolutionary reason, we are drawn to things that generate a strong reaction in us and so while there is nothing better than sitting down to read the new book from… Read more »

The Christian Obligation to the Stranger in the Land

On Sunday, the Ross Lake House Hotel in Rosscahill was burned down. This was an act of callous and brutal savagery. The empty hotel was due to become a refuge to dozens of people who badly needed it. This was not an accident. It was a crime born in craven fear. It is one of… Read more »

Marc Chagall's Return of the Prodigal

Ignorance Informs Intolerance

Very few events during the Taoiseach’s present term will be as fundamentally happy as the safe return of Emily Hand to her family. The Tánaiste’s statement went basically unnoticed. Indeed, the Taoiseach’s full statement has also mostly been bypassed. What has been noted – with fury by many on social media and with rancour by… Read more »

Image of a house being built. Josh Olalde is the photographer:

Homelessness Should Still Shock You

This week the housing charity Threshold published its 2022 annual report. I was struck, reading it, that the numbers involved in their work were terrifyingly large. Over 50,000 people needed to reach out to the charity in an effort to avoid homelessness. It was a stark reminder of how the homelessness crisis that Ireland has… Read more »

Laudate Deum Summary

Laudate Deum is clearly written to inspire the delegates who will attend the COP28 meetings in Dubai in December. Francis carefully lays out how previous COPs concluded with high hopes that have never quite delivered. The reader can almost hear his frustration at how every year the Great and the Good gather and discuss these critical issues and every year they disappoint.

Going Nuclear Is (Still) Not The Answer

The massive costs and long construction times associated with nuclear power means that every euro invested delays decarbonisation. Since the crisis we face is urgent, the wise approach is to prioritise the transitions that are cheapest to build and fastest to deploy.