Author: Kevin Hargaden

People’s Vaccine Launch

Today sees the launch of the People’s Vaccine Alliance, a campaign demanding that the Irish Government shows global leadership by committing to solving this problem. We have the resources to take a stand for fairness, equality, and global health. We should use them.

Man engaging with many screens at once

The Only Thing Shrinking Faster than the Glaciers is our Attention Span

In his 2015 book, Don’t Even Think About It, George Marshall examines the psychological obstacles to thinking seriously about the environmental catastrophe we have unleashed. He argues that the kind of problem we face in the climate collapse is one to which the human mind is not well suited. There are a number of ways… Read more »

Death of a tradesman

Those few women left around the cross were the followers who were so marginalised, it was debatable whether their culture saw them as human. The story spread across the known world so rapidly because it won the favour of slaves and women.

Beacon controversy reveals Irish solidarity

In the middle of the largest public health crisis in living memory, it is a curious situation to find a Minister for Health closing a vaccination centre. But there was little if any protest when Stephen Donnelly suspended operations at the Beacon Hospital in south Dublin last week.

Review: ‘Robots, Ethics and the Future of Jobs’

Kevin Hargaden reviews Seán McDonagh’s new book ‘Robots, Ethics and the Future of Jobs’, which explores the impact of automation, robotics, artificial intelligence and 3D printing on society and the economy.

Is Another World Possible?

Environmentalism is one of the few substantial ideologies left standing in Western politics. Environmentalists believe in something more than mere utility. CETA is an excellent opportunity not to “play senior hurling” but to testify to the fact that another, better world is possible. It should be rejected wholesale and replaced with a framework fit for the 21st century.

Tales of Corona Capitalism

Into the hole they poured all their surplus money and when the money filled the hole, a door slid open at the bottom and the money drained out. The people cheered when this happened because this proved they were the most efficient and productive and hardworking people. This truly was the best little country in the world to dig a hole.

Free Human Rights Defender Stan Swamy SJ

Stan Swamy SJ is an 83-year-old Jesuit and human rights defender in India who has been arrested on false charges of involvement with extremist groups. We demand his release.

A new narrative, from an ancient source

Fratelli Tutti unpacks what this means: the nation state must be relativised and the natural right of migration must be recognised, global orders of law, especially dedicated towards the preservation of fundamental human rights must be established, private property must be exposed as a delusion and relegated to its proper place as a secondary right, derived from the inescapable fact that every good thing is a gift that is owed to everyone.


Fascism… or folly?

  Last weekend, in the middle of a worsening pandemic, a crowd of almost a thousand people marched through the streets of Dublin, protesting at what they saw as illegitimate restrictions on their freedoms. Most of us agree that these “restrictions” are in fact sensible public health procedures and fail to understand how being asked… Read more »