Author: Kevin Hargaden

elderly couple walking in a park

The Social Philosophy of Ireland’s Covid-19 Response

  Last Autumn, the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice published an issue of Working Notes built around the theme of “risk”. Those essays have continued relevance, but none of them mention pandemics. This is not an oversight on our part. We understood risk as a compound concept. It isn’t simply a function of unexpected… Read more »

Margaret Thatcher blowing her nose

The weakened immunity of an individualistic society

  Our current market-focused political culture came to power after the oil crises of the 1970s. In normal circumstances, it would be highly unlikely that any electorate would vote for a system that systematically weakened social welfare, deregulated markets, and reorganised resources so that rich people were more likely to get richer. But the architects… Read more »

Climate is NOT the most important issue

  Despite 2019’s “green wave”, just a small percentage of the electorate says the environment is their top priority when choosing who to vote for in next month’s general election. To see it as disconnected from the other electoral issues is an error, says Kevin Hargaden.

Election 2020 Guide: The Economy

In our general election guide to the economy, our Social Theologian, Kevin Hargaden says we should ask ourselves who the economy serves, and how it is affecting our lives and the life of the planet.

Emissions from an industrial refinery

A Good News Focus for the New Year

2020 is just a week old, but between the prospect of war and a continent aflame, it is all-too-easy to grow despondent.

Ciara Murphy, John Guiney SJ, Kevin Hargaden, Keith Adams, Berna Cunningham

Launch of the JCFJ Strategic Plan (2019-2023)

On December 5th, 2019, the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice welcomed friends, supporters and collaborators to the beautiful Ignatian Chapel in Gardiner Street for the launch of our 2019-2023 Strategic Plan. Hosted by JCFJ Director, John Guiney SJ, the event was an opportunity to share and reflect on the goals and ambitions of the… Read more »
