Author: JCFJ

‘Cop On’ Webinar Recording

For anyone who missed our ‘Cop On’ webinar with speakers Sean McDonagh and Jerry Mac Evilly about the COP26 climate summit, you can now watch a recording of the event.

Housing Report from 1973 Could Have Prevented Current Crisis

The recommendations in the Kenny Report from 1973 could have prevented, or at least mitigated our current housing and homelessness crisis. So why were those recommendations ignored? asks Peter McVerry.

Stan Swamy SJ, Indian Jesuit and Activist Has Died

Harsh Mander, a prominent activist, described Swamy as “devoted to selfless defence of Adivasi [indigenous] rights, gentle, brave. Even from prison he grieved not for himself but injustice to poor prisoners.”


Stan Swamy SJ is refused bail

“The only thing I request is to consider interim bail. I have been in deteriorating condition. I would rather be in Ranchi with my friends. Whatever happens to me, I would like to be with my own. I do not think any of that [hospitalisation] is going to help.”


Just Transition Consultation Workshop

What would a Just Transition mean for Ireland?

This workshop, which is the last in the Stop Climate Chaos Climate Action Plan Consultation Workshop Series takes an in-depth look at Just Transition, to help to inform your submission to the Government’s Climate Action Plan Consultation.

Ireland Faces Homelessness Tsunami

Social theologian and Director of the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice Kevin Hargaden told Ruadhán Jones of The Irish Catholic that the “homelessness catastrophe, which has plateaued largely because of the eviction ban,will now almost certainly jump – unless there’s a mass intervention on rent arrears”.

Release Human Rights Defender Stan Swamy SJ

Today, April 26th is Stan Swamy’s 84th birthday. Help us to raise awareness of his unjust detention in an Indian jail. #StandWithStan


Myths about homelessness

To address the problem of homelessness, we obviously need to understand the causes and nature of it.  Unfortunately, there are some myths about homelessness, even amongst decision-makers, which prevents the problem from being resolved, says Peter McVerry SJ.

Into the Unknown

“I want to make a simple proposal that if our judges were more aware of the prison environment, to have walked the tiled floors or listened to the experiences of those they may have imprisoned first-hand, the numbers in pre-trial custody would reduce.” Peter McVerry SJ

Looking forward in 2021

  At the start of last year, we in the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice looked forward to 2020. We were full of anticipation of progress on environmental issues, saw signs of hope in the growing divestment from fossil fuels movement and were able to celebrate the Irish Government’s participation in that process. What… Read more »
