Category: Economic Justice

Election 2020 Guide: The Economy

In our general election guide to the economy, our Social Theologian, Kevin Hargaden says we should ask ourselves who the economy serves, and how it is affecting our lives and the life of the planet.

Budget 2020: A Tale of Three Crises

While the Irish Government has paid lip service to the existence of both a housing and homelessness crisis and to a climate crisis, Budget 2020 reveals that action is reserved for the fiscal crisis that could emerge from a No Deal Brexit. A Budget Without Precedence Last Tuesday, Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe used language… Read more »

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Back in the Bubble Once More

It’s a fool’s game to try to play the soothsayer, but it may be reasonable to suggest that the most important economic landmark of 2018 was (for those with “eyes to see”) that we are once again back in bubble-land, says Kevin Hargaden.

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Launch of Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age

How do we reconcile Jesus’ difficult words about money with the wealth enjoyed by many Christians? A new book by Kevin Hargaden explores this dilemma.

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Rapid Action Needed to Limit Global Warming

A new climate report warns that countries must commit to becoming net zero emitters of greenhouse gas emissions before 2050, and that decisions made today are critical for ensuring a safe, sustainable future.

Back in the Bubble Once More

It’s a fool’s game to try to play the soothsayer, but it may be reasonable to suggest that the most important economic landmark of 2018 was (for those with “eyes to see”) that we are once again back in bubble-land, says Kevin Hargaden. At the JCFJ we dedicated an issue of Working Notes to thinking about… Read more »

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Data Protection Policy

To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations that come into effect on Friday, May 25, we have updated our privacy policy for data protection to assure you that your information is stored securely and in line with the regulations.

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Media Bias and Christianity

Dr Kevin Hargaden explores the topic of media bias, and its hidden benefits. This article appeared originally in the November 2017 edition of The Sacred Heart Messenger.

UCSIA Summer School

Religion, Markets, and the Secular

Jesus said that you cannot serve two masters. You either hate the one and love the other, or are devoted to one and despise the other. Yet what role does faith have in an age when the one true master often appears to be the market economy?   

economic thinking

Christian Tradition Offers Riches for Contemporary Economic Thinking

The Scriptures and the Christian tradition have a direct relevance for how to think about economic issues. So argues the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Social Theology Officer, Kevin Hargaden, in the latest edition of the magazine Reality.