Category: Environmental Justice

Jason Cullen from Dublin Commuters Coalition leads the protest outside City Hall for the full implementation of the Dublin Transport Plan, July 8th 2024.

Reflections from the Dublin City Transport Plan Protest

The reason we gathered was to demand the full implementation of the Dublin Transport Plan, that has been developed over years by expert engineers and city officials. It has been subject to extensive public consultation. It has been voted on twice by the elected representatives of the city. And it is being held up because the CEO of the Council has capitulated to a small group of business leaders, who have the backing of a junior minister who, new to the job, is quickly exploring just how far she can reach.

“Why we can’t have nice things”: Dublin Edition

Dublin city centre is unusually congested. It is estimated that the extent of traffic in the capital costs hundreds of millions of euros a year in lost productivity. For these very practical reasons, the city council has committed to a new transport plan. Initially will involve a couple of hundred metres of bus gates and… Read more »

Green grass with Autumns leaves dispersed throughout and a pink shoe stepping into. All taken from above

Nature Restoration Law—Real hope after false starts

Where other laws and protections have failed, there is hope that the EU Nature Restoration Law will succeed. It is the first continent-wide, comprehensive law of its kind. It aims to ensure that 20% of EU’s land and sea are protected by 2030 with all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. The scale of this ambition means that European-wide restoration work will make a significant difference to the overall health of Europe’s biodiversity.

The Lepers of the Road

It is National Bike Week and the transport news is dominated by escooters. On Monday next, they finally become legal in Ireland, albeit with a range of restrictions that would never be countenanced for motor vehicles. The five kg of an escooter seems to elicit more fear in the Road Safety Authority than the two-thousand… Read more »

Safe transport infrastructure is not only a social justice issue but a matter of life and death

Last week stands out in one’s mind as significant in terms of safety and active transport. On the 24th of April, a 22-year-old student studying in Dun Laoghaire was knocked down and killed by a truck. She will be remembered as “the kindest, gentlest” daughter and “a blessing” in the life of her friends and partner. She… Read more »

Ecological Humanism

A World Worthy of Enjoyment The acclaimed American novelist, Marilynne Robinson, has published a most unusual book – a commentary on the book of Genesis. Robinson is acclaimed for her touching and profound novels. But over the last few decades, has also written a series of outstanding essay collections. Here, no less than in her… Read more »

Community Gardens – More than just food

A new community garden is opening in Clongowes Wood College. In time this project will yield not only a food harvest but a creative space where hands and minds can gather to create wonderful communities which thrive. In time, food may only be a by-product of the relationships and community which is formed.

Plan with Dignity

Land use requires a juggling act of different needs. Offices, housing, parking, green space, retail, transport and schools all vie for the same spaces.

The Upcoming Referenda are not Making Environmental Proposals

Environmental politics are heating up. Over the last year, we have observed a backlash to the “Green wave” across the continent. Whether it is farmers in the Netherlands or France or coal workers in Poland, long-forgotten pop stars in the UK, or Irish aviation billionaires, there are increasing signals that large numbers of citizens are… Read more »

An emaciated dog sifts through the destruction in Gaza.

War is an Environmental Issue

The conceptual heart of Pope Francis’ groundbreaking environmental manifesto, Laudato Si’, is his idea of integral ecology (§139): We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental. Environmentalism can never be reduced to some idea of “nature” but it… Read more »