Category: Environmental Justice

A Plan of Plans JCFJ web

Gentle Nudge or Political Fudge?

The Climate Action Plan completely ignores the fact that we need to adapt to climate breakdown now, not at some undefined future date. Ireland is already experiencing extreme weather events including flooding, drought and extreme snow-fall. But the Government’s plan for adaption is concentrated on building resilience through plans, strategies and support. It is a… Read more »

ecology climate plan jcfj web

Francis Trumps Leo on Climate Action

The Climate Action Plan considers the environment as a resource to be managed, not a gift to be cultivated, says social theologian Kevin Hargaden, who contrasts the Government’s approach with that contained in Laudato Si’.

Climate Action Plan web

Is Ireland a Climate Action Leader?

Ireland’s Climate Action Plan was published in the wake of the recent political Green Wave and indicates a Government with its eye on both international and domestic fronts, says JCFJ Social Policy Advocate, Keith Adams.

Carbon Tax - Scales

Carbon Tax Sovereign Wealth Fund

A response to the Department of Finance consultation on Carbon Tax, from the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice. Overview The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Department of Finance on the options for use of revenues raised from increases in Carbon Tax. We recognise that… Read more »

environment 2018

2018 Pivotal Year for Climate Change

On many fronts, 2018 looks set to have been a pivotal year on climate change. Disruption and hardship here in Ireland caused by severe weather in the early part of the year and record warm temperatures during the summer months brought the impact of climate change into greater focus, says Catherine Devitt.

Rise for Climate Jobs and Justice

‘Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice’ Event

Are you worried about climate change? Would you like to see more government action? Will you join us to Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice on Wednesday, December 5th?

poverty ecology

Poverty and the Environment

Poverty is an ecological problem. Although degradation of the environment affects all human populations, it hits those living in poverty the hardest, says Catherine Devitt.


Young Adults Will Carry Burden of Climate Change

In the latest edition of Working Notes, Catherine Devitt explores how the imminent global threats of climate change and environmental degradation will affect the future of Ireland’s young adults, and the importance of education and policy-making in helping to mitigate the worst effects.  

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Government must now act on Citizens’ Assembly recommendations for climate action, says Jesuit Centre

The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice has welcomed strong calls from the Citizens’ Assembly for the government to increase political action on addressing climate change.

climate change submission to citizens assembly

Climate Change Submission to Citizens’ Assembly

The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice recently made a submission to the Citizens’ Assembly on the topic “Making Ireland a Leader in Tackling Climate Change”.