Category: Theology

7 traffick lights either facing different ways or giving mixed messages

Crisis as Opportunity: How Christians Can Respond to the Chaos of New Regimes

Introduction: Manufactured Chaos We are living through a moment of extraordinary political upheaval. From the United States to Europe, leaders who present themselves as defenders of “common sense” are reshaping societies in ways that benefit the wealthy while dismantling protections for the vulnerable. At first glance, many of these policies seem chaotic: reactive, rushed, even… Read more »

Refugees Welcome street art in Dublin

5 Key Things to Learn from the Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Migration

Introduction Last weekend, the Irish Catholic Bishops published their latest pastoral letter, which is entitled ‘A Hundred Thousand Welcomes?’. It seeks to explore what hospitality for migrant people means in contemporary Ireland. A “pastoral letter” is an open letter written by the bishops as a group that seeks to guide and encourage the faithful on… Read more »

Dublin bus

Where We Live and How We Get Around

Housing and transport are intrinsically linked. They influence so many facets of each other that considering one without the other is folly. Everything from where we locate homes and accommodation, the number of parking spaces, the space given over to access roads and driveways, green space in urban areas, bus routes, train capacity and where… Read more »

Airpods on the laptop with a filtered image of euros raining down

The Forbidden Fruit of Apple’s Taxation

Back in 2016, the EU Commission decided that Ireland had given an unfair advantage to Apple through the provision of tax loopholes. Before Irish people could plan a tunnel to Wales or a 100-metre-tall golden statue of Michael Flatley, the Irish government launched an appeal, costing millions, arguing that they should not be forced to… Read more »

a close up image of band on stage focusing on the guitar in the leads hand. On the right there is a loading bar saying you are 'in the queue'

What Thomas Aquinas has to do with Oasis

It is easy to dismiss the recent furore over surge pricing of tickets for the Oasis reunion gigs. The product for sale is hardly essential, even for people like me, diehard fans from the olden days (who also support Man City). The targeted consumer is hardly oppressed – most Oasis fans are likely to be… Read more »

All the young adults and group leaders from Faith and Politics

Why You Should Want More Religious People in Politics

A report on Faith and Politics 2024 Considering Ireland’s history, the mere suggestion that we need more religious people in politics might seem bizarre. Contrary to the popular narrative that religion should be kept out of the public sphere, there’s a compelling case to be made that religious people bring a unique and desperately needed… Read more »

Not All Deaths are the Same

In 2023, there were 184 deaths on Irish roads. This tragic loss of life included 44 pedestrians, eight cyclists, and three e-scooter users. This year, the figure is likely to exceed 200 people. Public concern is evidenced by the regular media attention to the increase or decrease in the number of road traffic deaths, and… Read more »

An image of of two hands holding on a hospital bed and the annual lecture title

Enabling Death? Euthanasia from a disability perspective ~ Annual Theology Lecture 2024

We were delighted to have welcomed Professor Brian Brock to speak at our annual lecture this year!

Neon Yellow lights against a black wall that say 'You Belong Here'

Ancient Scriptures and Contemporary Problems

I have spent a lot of time in the last month reading and re-reading an odd, short book in the Hebrew Scriptures. Ruth is just 85 verses long, spread over 4 chapters. On the surface it tells a fable so familiar, Netflix could adapt it and market it as a rom-com – it’s a story… Read more »

History’s Warning to the Protest Haters

Last weekend, students from Trinity College, Dublin blockaded the library where the Book of Kells is on display and established an encampment of tents on the lawn in front of the Arts block. They were protesting the fact that the university has investments in three firms that are blacklisted by the UN for their involvement… Read more »