New UAPs offer renewed mandate to JCFJ
The publication of the Jesuits’ new Universal Apostolic Preferences offers a renewed mandate to the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice.
The publication of the Jesuits’ new Universal Apostolic Preferences offers a renewed mandate to the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice.
Our most recent edition of Working Notes, Issue 83, deals with the theme of the Harm of Inaction. It features articles from experts around Europe that reflect on harm in the light of the Centre’s four focus areas: penal policy, environmental justice, economic ethics, and housing and homelessness. Kevin Hargaden provides homily notes to accompany… Read more »
Eoin Carroll reviews the past year in prison news, in which the JCFJ discussed the needs of young adults in prison, prisoners sleeping on cell floors, and the reliability of prison statistics. To mark Prisoners’ Sunday, we also analysed the increasing numbers on extended lock-up (19-23hrs), the Oireachtas Justice Committee’s report on penal reform, the… Read more »
The former chair of the Housing Agency, Conor Skehan, appeared on RTÉ One’s Claire Byrne Live last night to discuss the ongoing housing crisis. A number of assertions he makes during the interview as well as his attack on services provided for people experiencing homelessness need to be challenged, says Kevin Hargaden.
Eoin Carroll reviews the past year in prison news, in which the JCFJ discussed the needs of young adults in prison, prisoners sleeping on cell floors, and the reliability of prison statistics. To mark Prisoners’ Sunday, we also analysed the increasing numbers on extended lock-up (19-23hrs), the Oireachtas Justice Committee’s report on penal reform, the… Read more »
On many fronts, 2018 looks set to have been a pivotal year on climate change. Disruption and hardship here in Ireland caused by severe weather in the early part of the year and record warm temperatures during the summer months brought the impact of climate change into greater focus, says Catherine Devitt.
It’s a fool’s game to try to play the soothsayer, but it may be reasonable to suggest that the most important economic landmark of 2018 was (for those with “eyes to see”) that we are once again back in bubble-land, says Kevin Hargaden.
A statement by JCFJ on international Human Rights Day. ‘A Right Denied: The Right to Housing in Ireland Seventy Years after the Proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’.
The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice is calling on the Minister for Justice to conduct an immediate investigation into why so many people in prison are sleeping on mattresses when the system is operating at less than 94% capacity.
Matt Cuff is the senior policy advisor of the of the Office of Justice and Ecology (OJE) of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States. He visited Ireland recently and spent time in the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice (JCFJ), exchanging ideas and collaborating with our Deputy Director, Eoin Carroll. They aim… Read more »
Working Notes is a journal published by the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice. The journal focuses on social, economic and theological analysis of Irish society. It has been produced since 1987.