Rise for Climate Jobs and Justice

‘Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice’ Event

Are you worried about climate change? Would you like to see more government action? Will you join us to Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice on Wednesday, December 5th?

the poor

Second World Day of the Poor

We live in a society that is very comfortable talking in terms of human rights and social justice, but we are troubled when the vocabulary shifts to a more combative linguistic register, says Kevin Hargaden.

claire hargaden

Ignatian Examen in Prison

The Ignatian Examen is a five-part spiritual exercise which Jesuits do twice daily. It also offers benefits to others, including prisoners. Claire Hargaden reflects on the practice.

prisoner sunday

Prisoners’ Sunday

Prisoners’ Sunday is an opportunity to pause, reflect and pray for the men, women and children in prison and detention. The following short reflection by Eoin Carroll touches upon some key moments in the prison landscape over the past year.

Irish Prisoners Overseas

Irish Prisoners Overseas

Irish citizens who are in prison overseas face lengthy delays to have their applications to be transferred home processed. This must change, says Ciara Kirrane of the ICPO.

Website TENA

Launch of Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age

How do we reconcile Jesus’ difficult words about money with the wealth enjoyed by many Christians? A new book by Kevin Hargaden explores this dilemma.


What Blasphemy Really Means

Kevin Hargaden’s piece in today’s Irish Times puts the recent blasphemy referendum into context, saying the real blasphemy exists in those who utter pious words to people in deepest need and yet offer no help to provide them with the essentials of life.

Job Vacancy

Job Vacancy: JCFJ Director

The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice is seeking a Director. The ideal candidate will have an awareness of and commitment to social justice issues and the Ignatian ethos of the centre. Details below.

Eradicate poverty day jcfj web

Poor Service: What Poverty Eradication Day Means in Ireland

The only public service available to the poor, for which there is no waiting list, is the prison service, says Peter McVerry SJ.

global growth web

The Emaciated Conversation about Global Poverty

Global poverty is one of those seemingly rare topics where there might be good news to celebrate, says Kevin Hargaden.