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Data Protection Policy

To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations that come into effect on Friday, May 25, we have updated our privacy policy for data protection to assure you that your information is stored securely and in line with the regulations.

Penal Reform Report 2018

JCFJ Recommendations in Penal Reform Report

The launch of the Penal Reform and Sentencing Report took place yesterday [10 May 2018] in Leinster House, and was attended by representatives from key stakeholders including the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice (JCFJ).


Leaving Prison and Through the Gate Support

Walking out the prison door is a particularly vulnerable time for people and support is needed. Ten years after introducing a pilot Integrated Sentence Management (ISM) programme, which aimed to be ‘prisoner-centred’ and have a ‘multidisciplinary approach’, what progress has been made in preparing people for leaving prison?

The Brexit Impact on Criminal Justice Co operation in Ireland 1

Launch of ‘Brexit Impact’ Report

Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan will launch the Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development (ACJRD) 20th Annual Conference Report ‘The Brexit Impact on Criminal Justice Cooperation in Ireland’ on Tuesday, April  17th at the Criminal Courts of Justice.


Government Will be Judged on Housing Response

Fr Peter McVerry, speaking at the end of last Saturday’s National Homeless and Housing Coalition march said that the message to this Government is ‘Don’t show me the way to a hostel. Don’t show me the way to a bed and breakfast. Show me the way to go home.’ 

Housing Emergency Action Plan

Housing Emergency Action Plan?

‘Where is the Emergency Action Plan for the Housing Emergency?’ Fr Peter McVerry demands that Leo Varadkar and his Government commit to taking concrete steps to solve the housing crisis.

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Homeless Coalition Protest March

Fr Peter McVerry of the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice will speak at the National Homeless and Housing Coalition protest march this Saturday 7th April to reiterate the lack of confidence he has in the ability or willingness of this Government to end homelessness.


Lenten Reflection Week 8 – The Displacement of Home

Not too long ago it was assumed that people born in Ireland would be Christian; something which is no longer the case. This is good news for the church, says theologian Kevin Hargaden in this week’s reflection.   

Housing is a Human Right

‘Housing is a Fundamental Human Right’

‘Housing is a fundamental human right’ said Fr Peter McVerry of the JCFJ and Sr Stanislaus Kennedy of Focus Ireland, who have joined forces to condemn the Government’s response to the housing crisis, calling the current situation ‘an emergency that requires far more radical action than we have seen so far.’

The Captive God 2

Lenten Reflection Week 7 – The Captive God

In week seven of our Lenten Reflection series, during Holy Week, we are asked to consider that the same crowds that welcomed Jesus as King on Sunday called for his death on Thursday. Yet in the gospels, Jesus teaches us that we should undertake the seemingly impossible task of laying down arms and taking up… Read more »