Emergency Accommodation Survey

Emergency Accommodation Survey Proposed

A proposed survey of homeless people who have experienced emergency accommodation aims to identify the difficulties inherent in using the service and explore why some people feel safer sleeping on the streets.

A Wandering God

Lenten Reflection Week 6 – The Wandering God

In this week’s reflection, Kevin Hargaden considers the well-loved parable of the Prodigal Son and wonders if we really know it as well as we think. The tale, like many others in the Bible, offers no hard and fast answers and is more likely to perplex than clarify.

The Refugee God

Lenten Reflection Week 5 – The Refugee God

The worth of the Lenten season would be increased if we could make the connection between the refugee God we seek to know better and the refugee neighbour we probably do not know at all, says theologian Kevin Hargaden in this week’s reflection.

HEST Economy Poverty and Ethics Cluster Update

HEST Group Examines Precarious Labour

JCFJ Social Theologian, Dr Kevin Hargaden participated in the third round of meetings for the Higher Education for Social Transformation (HEST) initiative. The HEST Economy, Poverty and Ethics Cluster Update took place in Madrid, on 1-2 March, 2018.

Mothers Day 2018

Mothers Who Have Partners in Prison

This Mothers’ Day, we think of mothers who have partners in prison. The families of individuals who are in prison have done nothing wrong, yet experience massive hardship as a result, including shame, isolation and for children, the trauma of separation from a parent. 

Lenten Reflection Week 4 – The Shock of Exile

The Shock of Exile is the theme of this week’s Lenten Reflection by our social theologian, Dr Kevin Hargaden, where he explores the anguish of exile as told in the Bible and how it is mirrored in the current housing crisis. 

river jordan

Lenten Reflection Week 3 – The Hope of Home

This week’s Lenten Reflection looks at Exodus and the Israelites in the desert to explore how the search for home sometimes leaves us discontented, regardless of how good our circumstances are.

Upper Grenfell Tower

Lenten Reflection Week 2 – The Risk of Leaving our Father’s Home

The second week of our Lenten Reflections series is called The Risk of Leaving our Father’s Home and looks at the unreality of a housing system dedicated to profit, not shelter.

apple tree

Lenten Reflection Week 1 – The First Eviction

The first in our Lenten Reflections series, by social theologian Dr Kevin Hargaden invites us to ponder our own existential homelessness.

lenten ad irish catholic

The Bible is a Story About Finding Home

The introduction to our 2018 Lenten Reflections series, by Dr Kevin Hargaden asks that as we spiritually prepare ourselves for the celebration of Easter, we do not express our spirituality as a withdrawal from the complexities of our life into some imagined, hidden, private space where we can feel things are simple again.