Tag: Environment

Climate Justice is Social Justice

It isn’t that this election has failed to become one about the climate emergency. In many ways, it is worse than that. It is one where our main political parties have failed to understand how to address the growth in social injustice and the interconnectivity of the issues creating the climate and biodiversity crisis.

Climate is NOT the most important issue

  Despite 2019’s “green wave”, just a small percentage of the electorate says the environment is their top priority when choosing who to vote for in next month’s general election. To see it as disconnected from the other electoral issues is an error, says Kevin Hargaden.

Election 2020 Guide: The Environment

Our series of guides for the upcoming general election will help you decide who deserves your vote. We cover the key facts about the issues, questions you should ask yourself, what to ask politicians who canvass at your door and how to interpret their answers. In this article, our Environmental Justice Advocate, Ciara Murphy pushes… Read more »

Emissions from an industrial refinery

A Good News Focus for the New Year

2020 is just a week old, but between the prospect of war and a continent aflame, it is all-too-easy to grow despondent.