Tag: expansion

An image of a truck coming into a construction site

The Opportunity Cost of Prison Expansion

When campaigning finally begins in earnest for the next General Election, debates around criminal justice, policing and prisons will dominate. A key talking point for Fine Gael candidates will be the delivery of an additional 1,100 prison spaces in the six years up to 2030. With Fine Gael holding the Justice portfolio for over 13… Read more »

Prison Expansion: The Population Growth Fallacy

Rhetoric will inevitably increase as a “tough on crime” arms race will ensue between the three largest parties, with Independents upping the ante from local townhall meetings. At the very least, politicians need to stop identifying population growth as a predictor of future prison capacity. Maybe, instead of motioning to the public that their hands are tied, an honest response is that they want to put more people in prison for longer.